People We Like

We're not the only people who write about food, and it would probably be pretty boring if we were. Here are a bunch of other people who like food as much as we do that we enjoy reading:

The Cottage Smallholder: I love this website for ideas on what to do with foraged hauls; it's a great resource for things like sloe gin making, and has recipes for more unusual things like chilli sherry for cooking with, too.

Free Fancy : A fantastic Australian vegetarian and vegan tumblr with beautiful photos and plenty of DIY processes like preserving, fermenting, and homebrew/home distilling.

Punk Domestics: A community website for those interested in learning how to preserve, make cheese, cure things, and, well, just about anything else really. Well worth joining if you're interested in how to be more involved with what's on your plate.

My Tiny Plot : Seriously informative for the at-home veg grower. I particularly enjoy the tips for every month sections.